Jet lag is officially kicking my butt. I couldn't fall asleep until around 3:45AM last night and for the second day in a row slept until 3PM!!! I couldn't believe it! I even set the alarm last night for 10:30AM and I have no memory whatsoever of it going off. So, needless to say, I didn't get the early start I was hoping for. When I finally got up and going, I headed over the Ross Castle and oh my god, it was gorgeous out. I almost enjoyed the walk as much as the castle itself! I was surrounded by trees, with the canopy extending over the road above me. There were wild roses, ferns, ivy, and blackberry bushes growing alongside the road, it was surreal. The air is so crisp and cool here, and it smelled of the forest. It was, honestly, so amazing. I wish that pictures could share all of the other sensory details as well....
Ross castle itself is gorgeous. The first thing you see is the top of the tower peaking over the treetops as you walk up. They have jaunting cars (horse pulled carriages) for hire and I thought it was great to watch the cars

go around the carriages. The castle sits about 20 feet from the edge of the lake, and the Killarney mountains are on the opposite shore. When I got there, there were blue patches of sky showing through the cloud cover, and it was fairly warm, but within twenty minutes or so the clouds descended on the mountain tops, covering them, and a cold wind blew in over the lake. It started to rain, so I took cover under a huge oak tree. It was so peaceful!!! Looking out over the lake when it was so stormy reminded me of the 18th century oil paintings that I have admired in museums for years...and I now know where they got their inspiration. I could have sat there for hours. I think that I will go back tomorrow, as I got there too late to take one of the guided tours of the inside. I can't wait to learn more about the history of the castle. So much fun!!!
I love how chatty the Irish are, you'll pass people on the street, and they're so cheerful! Or at least most of the locals are. It's so

refreshing. I walked past one man today who was "getting his evening walk" as his dog pulled him determinedly around the corner. There's one girl who works at the cafe I like that calls me "love" and refuses to take my tips because she knows I'll be here for a while. Just super friendly people.
Oh, and another thing; most of the Irish I've talked to don't like the rain...does anyone else see the irony here? Hah.

I got home around 7:40 or so, and my housemates were all home, so I sat and talked with them for a while. Thank god I feel tired tonight, I need to go to bed early so I can hopefully get used to the Irish clock!
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